Thursday, December 20, 2012

3 years & counting

  3 is the new 2 ya know.
3 years old
about the size of an average 4 year old and a small 5 year old
{we get asked that a lot}
31 lbs  3 1/2 ft tall

. your favorites .

bible song:
Creation song that Daddy learned from his trip to the grand canyon
Day 1 Day 1 God made light when there was none 
Day 2 Day 2 God made clouds and skies of blue 
Day 3 Day 3 Land and sea and flowers and trees 
Day 4 Day 4 sun and moon and stars galore
Day 5 Day 5 Fish that swim and birds that fly
6 Day 6 Day Animals and man that day
Day 7 Day 7 God has rested in His heavens

 Also "it's Darby time, Hallelujah" is still a favorite in our house {from VBS}

Crimson and Clover {jimmy eat world version}
Love Story : Taylor Swift

 song to sing over and over and over and over {and drive mommy crazy}:
doe a deer
I know you {from sleeping beauty}

dance music:
any princess songs
the theme song from The Office

looking at princess pictures on google with daddy while listening to that princesses song on spotify
drawing princesses {your are getting so good at it!}

dressing like a princess/or just dressing up

pretty much anything princess
laying out every single kid movie into a line and counting them {actually it's been a great counting exercise, she can count to 78.....and it's sad that we have that many kid movies =\  }
tinker bell anything  
{thank you disney for pairing up with netflix, making this little girls dream come true}

diiiieeeeeggggoooo and dora
{they have taught you how to count to 10 in spanish! good job TV, job well done, you're hired!}

Jesus Storybook bible
I'm a Big Sister

pizza, mac n cheese, chikfila


you've love hearing made up stories about you and baby rescuing people and saving the day, and baby always says "ooga booga booga booga"

. funny things you've said/done .

"mommy, you are maleficent {evil witch/dragon from sleeping beauty}, daddy is the prince, I'm the princess and baby is tinker bell"
"crocolaid" = crocodile
"poorple" = purple
After telling you the story of Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus, and how He grew up and died for our sins, you said "yeah, and then Jesus got bit by a lion!"
it was raining really hard one day, and you said "oh no! Jesus will make it stop"
jumping off anything and saying "1 2 3 dreams come true!"
 naked party times with baby before you get into your pajamas for bed
hopscotch: it's just one of those things you need to see....hilarious
you ask to go back to disney world everyday! {not an exaggeration}

You love your friends and family, always asking to see them and "where are they"? You love to list everyone you love, and refer to baby as "your best friend"
your sunday school teacher told me that you get your friends to all hold hands when you pray in class :)
you love to talk and sing all day long. I try not to get irritated, it's so sweet, but I'm a sinner. You just want to ask questions about everything and know everything thats going on. And you want me to know everything you're doing and thinking.

I've gotten better at doing your hair, thank you mousse!

you still get carsick .... not cool!
{I think you're carseat has been washed more times than a carseat should ever be washed!}

{doing yoga with mommy}

. achievements .

potty trained!

no more pacifiers

sleeping well in your own bed

we have had no major accidents/injuries with you this year! Praise the Lord! no burned hands, no's been a whole new world! {I cannot say the same for baby, though}

I love you so much. I cried the day after you came into this world because time was moving to quickly. It has moved so fast. You grow so much everyday. Just the other day I heard you say "baby I'm sorry for {such and such} will you please forgive me" and it melted my heart.

You are so funny but you are also growing to be sensitive and caring. You don't always obey the first time, but you have a very tender heart when we discipline and you're always remorseful.

You always help me with the baby, getting me diapers, encouraging baby to say "yes" and not "no". You are a great big sister. 

You will always be my baby and I love you so muNch!

the end

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Fall for the Irby's

fall fall fall
this is the season that I absolutely love the south
I could do without winter and summer....
and from an allergy persons point of you, I could also do without spring

but Fall, yes, it is beautiful and feels so good
I could take pictures of leaves everyday...but then, what am I going to do with an album full of leaf and tree pictures??? I don't even do much with pictures of my kids!


fall brought:


 and family

more pumpkins
 pumpkin farms

{best picture of the night/weirdest faces ever!}
Leaf piles!

and the biggest Fall event was a big Fall {duh dun chiii}

Crimson broke her wrist by falling off the couch
 it was pretty cute

 until she pulled off the cast the next morning
 so now she's got a bigger one
 night night!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

bye bye papi

oh papi
you have done us so good
but, things just aren't working out
it's not you, it's us
you see, Clover is just getting to big to have a papi
and so we have to cut ties now before it gets too awkward later on
you will always have a special place in our hearts
thanks for the good memories and for sticking by us through the good times and the bad {especially the bad}
you're the best,
the irby's

We've been meaning to get rid of Clover's papi for awhile but things just kept coming up so we kept pushing it back, we at least had it narrowed down to bed time and car rides.

"we have an ultrasound coming up and the papi will help"
"she's sick, we'll do it when she gets better"

"we just got her sleeping in her own bed. let's deal with one thing at a time"
"we'll do it after the trip to California, it'd be nice to have it for the plane ride, and we don't want to deal with withdrawals while away from home"

"okay now we'll do it after we get back from Disney World, it's only 2 weeks away and it'd be nice to have it on the 7 hour car ride and the hotel room we have to share"

etc etc etc

so the time finally came. 
the dr asking me every visit just got to awkward and I hate awkward situations!

so I read a friend's blog and they had a great idea
instead of just taking the papi and throwing it away, or cutting it so they can't suck it anymore
we let her get rid of it herself
it's sort of the tooth fairy idea
we hung her final papi's {the last 2 that we haven't lost} on a tree outside
and if she slept well through the night the next morning she would get a surprise
so the next morning on the same tree she got big girl things

1. mousse {for her crazy curly uncontrollable hair}
2. big girl toothbrush with Cinderella on it
3. a big girl hair brush
4. and Cinderella lipstick {she loves putting my lip gloss on}
so after we did that she occasionally would ask where papi went and we would remind her that she traded her baby things for big girl things
it has actually gone great
this girl loved her papi too
she hasn't cried for it once {praise the Lord}
 {we've already had to confiscate the lip gloss because she pulled the whole stick out of the tube. But we still let her use it, just under supervision}

it's always nice when you come to things as a parent and you anticipate it being horrible {i.e. shots, potty training, big girl bed etc} and it actually turns out to be no big deal

thank you Lord for blessings like this! it seems so small, but it is so much bigger than we sometimes realize.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Disney World!!

hey hey! looky what I'm doing!
what????? another post already?!
you know that's right.

Disney World!
totally awesome experience!
I grew up going to Disneyland, so I was a little overwhelmed with the thought of Disney WORLD!
it literally is a whole new world {cue Aladdin song}
We went with zero expectations. My only goal was for Clover to meet princesses and have fun.
Well we did. We stood in line after line and met princess after princess. It was hot! But each time she got to talk to them I wanted to bawl like a baby.
{side note: what has mommyhood done to me?! I cry all.the.time. I don't know how to handle these emotions!}

We stayed at the Polynesian Resort, which has it's own beach. And across the beach you can see Cinderella's castle and fireworks. You can also take a boat across the lake to get to Magic Kingdom.

It was so much fun and we are so grateful to Brian's parents for taking us.

the night before, Clover got dressed up. 
all ready for anything that Disney World can throw at us. Rain or shine {which it did....both}
 One hour into our 7 hour journey.
 2 hours in.
 But we finally made it!
 The beach. You can see Cinderella's castle if you look closely.
 The resort pool and bebe.
 the girls spent most of their time on the splash pad though. they loved it.
 first visit to Cinderella's castle.
   the guy told us to do this....awkward. raise the roof!
 they're holding tinker bell.
disney maaaagic!
 celebrated 7 years of marriage! this is how I trapped him.
 having fun is exhausting.
 animal kingdom. it's dark but there's a giraffe right next to us.
 got stuck at the top of the hill on Mt. Everest.
At first I thought it was part of the ride. it was not.
 while we were stuck on Everest. Clover was making friends with this vendor.
 Tower of Terror. Rachel was just a little scared. just a little.
Everyone went on a ride and I stayed off with the baby while she slept. out of nowhere {seriously, not exaggerating} this lightening and thunder storm started. I didn't know where to go so I got under the giant {metal} mickey hat to wait it out. It poured for a long time. Brian's dad bought ponchos and at first I was like "I am not wearing this in public" well I ate my words. Everyone was wearing ponchos and I was so thankful to have it!
 I found this cinderella dress at a yard sale a year ago for around $10. And instead of taking her to the Bibbity Bobbity Boutique like I wanted {too expensive} I did her hair a make up. I overheard a couple people mentioning something about Clover going to the Boutique, so I think I did a good job of faking it :) 
score one for mommy!
 dancing with Cinderella #1

 Cinderella #2

Belle #1

Belle #2
the weirdest rapunzel you'll meet...if she can be rapunzel at disney world than I can....I think I may try out! a dream come true!
this was seriously the best snow white...I really do think she was real.
Ariel in her human form ... duh...
Clover even gave Prince Eric a hug whoo whoo
thankfully each princess told her she had to wait 30 years till she could meet her own prince charming...thank you Disney!

 her favorite, Aurora {sleeping beauty for those who don't know princesses....Brenda!}

 Cinderella waving at her from the parade.
 trying to take the typical kid on the daddy's shoulders with the castle picture.....yeah didn't work. too hot.

it was so much fun but so exhausting too! 
Clover has said, at least once a day since then, that she wants to go to Disney World
we told her she can go again when she has kids ;)
We recorded a princess show that we saw there and she has watched it a bazillion times.

Truly a great memory!

and now for some Jim Gaffigan jokes on Disney World:

it truly is magical. it's the one place where you can walk all day long and still gain weight

hmm....where can I take my family on vacation, where I can stand in line all day, sweat and spend a ton of money? disney.

when I was a kid I always wondered why Dad was in bad mood on vacations, now I know ... disney