Tuesday, June 5, 2012

April 2012

allllmooost caught up!

after the slower month of March, resting and what not we finally came to

my mom {nana} came to visit again! wahoo!

with her in town we were able to paint our ceilings {not wahoo}
including our 18 ft ceilings!.....it was fun for about 0 seconds
as you can see, we started with a looooong pole....well that was hard {really, was it? YES!} so we rented a scaffold
since we had a scaffold we also put up crown molding
{my hard working husband, so blessed}
we also adding molding around the center of the room to add more design to the loooong walls
also if I ever get the itch to re-paint, I can just repaint the bottom half and not the entire room
as much as I'd like to claim the credit on this genius idea, I got the idea from another blog
 look! I helped too!!
 the girls took a break and did our traditional outing
we always go to tea with nana, bebe and mawmaw
I started and finished my very first pinterest project
we had a pre-Easter hunt with our friends that we first met 6+ years ago when we first came to Georgia, we were all newly married and now we all have kids {with one couple's first on the way}
{ this looks good on you Johanna! ;) }
{this is the only picture I could get of all the kids
I had to tell them "look an airplane" that didn't work on Cole though}
then we had a family Easter hunt
Clover, being the only kid there, got all the eggs and attention
{cute bebe}
{a girl and her pawpaw}
{it was a long day}
we stopped to smell the roses
we had good times with our friend Cooper
{Clover pronounces his name with a french accent, Coop-air}
finished painting the kitchen, entry way and upper living room
{upper living room}
{looking upstairs from entry way}
{upper entry way}
{entry way}
I didn't take a picture of the kitchen, but here is a good shot of the color
it used to be green
the eennnnnd
I still have a little bit more painting to do, but after these big portions I'm taking a much needed breather


  1. Do I have to invite myself over to see all your work?! :) What a nice feeling to have it to your taste and liking. Good work!

  2. coop-air. thats hilarious! :)

    your home is looking so good kenz!!!!!! i love that you have an "upper living room" ... sounds so fancy :)

  3. Looks so good, kenz! I want to come over and enjoy it!

    I can't believe you became the person that lies to kids, you know how much Clover likes "pings", why would you even tease her like that?? ;-) But you did get a really cute picture out of it

  4. You should just photoshop the color for the bottom half of the living room to give you a better idea. Let me know if you need help, I don't mind doing it. And I won't hate you if you pick a dark color ;)
