so I've been getting very friendly reminders that I haven't touched my blog in forever
we got a little side tracked at home {we're doing some home projects, but I'll touch on that later.....maybe} and I'm going to do try to catch up as quickly as I can
without further adieu....
January 2012
we flew home from Christmas vacation in California
just to hop in to the car again and visit my best friend Whitney and her 2 girls
{but I wrote about that in Best Friends 2.0}
some mom's from the church got together, and we took our girls to see Beauty and the Beast in theaters.
Apparently Monday nights are the best time to see old Disney movies replaying in theaters....we were the only ones in there. So we didn't have to worry about our kids being too loud.
it was fun....Clover LOVED the popcorn {well she always has}
it snowed a little bit {a very little bit}
and this is how we felt about that....
then, at the end of the month Brian's good friend, Ryan, came to visit from California
and he got the sticky ball down from our 2 story living room ceiling HOORAY!!!!
it's been up there since waaaaay before we moved in....and it was gross
but it provided the girls some entertainment
and that is how we ended January .... with a big ol' sticky ball BANG!
YAYA!! You're Baaack! :)